Everyone knows monopolies are bad for the customer, especially when they involve things vital to modern life. Is it any wonder that the competitive industry of solar is cheaper to the customer than sticking with the (monopoly) utility company?
What’s better than saving money now? How about ensuring that those savings continue and even grow the whole time you live in your home?
Lock in fixed predictable solar payments instead of riding the wave of inflation.
Where can you invest $0 today and have it pay you back increasing dividends each month? Right here!
Making a difference has never been more financially friendly than going solar with Power Camel. In fact, The average solar-powered home over 30 years:
Removes the equivalent of driving 700,000 miles in a car.
Removes the CO2 emissions from burning 200 tons of coal.
Cleans the air as much as planting 500 acres of forests.
That's enough to make a large difference in your local environment, as well as your savings account.
We offer top-of-the-line battery systems, The Tesla Powerwall offers 13.5 kWh of storage per battery. That is enough power to run an average home for 9 hours. Much longer than the average power outage. Whether you need power for convenience or require power for essential medical equipment. Never go another night in the dark.
With the power grid struggling to keep up with the massive expansion of our communities throughout Arizona, it is more important than ever to take personal control of commodities that our lifestyles depend on. Take control of your power!
Need a new roof? Have your roof paid for by the money you save with solar. Solar will often save customers enough to completely cover the cost of a new roof. When you add a new roof as part of a solar project you can also qualify for additional tax credits.
The benefits of solar power are numerous, and the switch to solar power will not only benefit the customer, but also the environment. The installation of solar panels on your Arizona home is an investment that has a high rate of return. From reducing your carbon footprint and saving money to becoming more self-reliant, solar panels have it all. They are also incredibly beneficial for your property value and will provide an opportunity for an investment that will pay off now and in the future.
Start Now With No Money Down
You Start Saving Immediately and the Savings Increase Over Time
Become Self-Reliant and Gain Peace-of-Mind
The Government is Giving Away Tax Credits for You To Start Now
You're Benefitting the Environment All Along The Way