Choose Your Solar Strategy

The utility company plays a strategic role in your solar outcome. Understanding this relationship is vital in determining the best strategy for your home. There are three main strategies:

Power Camel Icon An oversized system can eliminate your entire utility bill & reduce your monthly service charge by providing your daytime usage and selling back the unused electricity to cover your fees and nighttime usage.

Power Camel Icon A smaller system producing power during the most expensive time of day will significantly reduce your utility bill. You then purchase cheaper nighttime power from your utility.

Power Camel Icon An oversized system can also be used to produce excess power and store that power in large home batteries instead of selling it to your utility company.

There are many details that are good to be aware of, but as a general rule the best strategy for you depends mostly on the buyback (export) rate of your utility. It makes sense to eliminate your entire utility bill if the utility will pay you more for your solar power than it costs you.

Power Camel Icon A properly sized solar system can greatly reduce, if not eliminate altogether, the need for energy supplied by SRP, APS, or TEP.

Power Camel Icon Some solar systems allow customers to save money both immediately on their monthly bill as well as over time with a solar tax credit.

Power Camel Icon With the ever-evolving industry that surrounds solar & photovoltaic systems in general, it's easy to appreciate their diversity in application - electric vehicle charging, sustainable water heater support, emphasizing renewable energy, and an extreme decrease in utility costs over the next 20 years.

Power Camel Icon Another key aspect of a home's solar panel system worth mentioning when it concerns a utility comparisons for [export] price plans, retail rates, net metering, & relevant demand charges.

Start Saving Today

Arizona Public Service (APS)
& Applicable APS Solar Buyback Rates

APS policies make it possible for homeowners to completely eliminate their electric bill. The current APS buyback rate is $0.094 per kWh making it possible for solar customers to profit by selling their excess solar power to APS, which will easily cover the low monthly APS connection fees. Arizona Public Service locks in your buyback rate for 10 years protecting you from future rate changes. On October 1st APS is expected to cut their buyback payment to you by 10%. Don’t wait. Lock in your rates today!

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APS - Arizona Public Service
SRP - Salt River Project

Salt River Project (SRP)
& Applicable SRP Solar Buyback Rates

SRP charges $0.24 per kWh for summertime peak hours. Solar customers could pay as little as 1/3 the cost for that same power. SRP has low nighttime rates as well as a low buyback rate of $0.0281 per kWh. This combination of rates makes a smaller system the perfect fit by using solar power during peak hours and SPR power for off peak hours. See how this solar strategy will work for you. Many former SRP customers are reaping the true benefits of their own solar panel system.

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Tucson Electric Power (TEP)
& Applicable TEP Solar Buyback Rates

TEP customers pay the highest rates for electricity in Arizona and subsequently realize the greatest solar savings in the state. Tucson Electric Power has a buyback of $0.0781 per kWh with low monthly fees. The best strategy in TEP is to do an oversized system and reap the rewards for years to come. Contact our solar panel system experts in Tucson if you are seeking additional info for buyback rates, price plans, net metering, & retail rates.

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TEP - Tucson Electric Power

A new level of residential SOLAR expertise



We at Power Camel have an optimized process that ensures our customers get the best energy savings possible from their system. We’ve become a trusted name in residential solar by offering a wide range of services including designing custom solutions for your home, finding financing options that fit your budget, monitoring performance and providing maintenance plans to ensure your system is always running at peak efficiency.

It’s safe to say our advanced knowledge and skill set makes us at Power Camel an easy choice for reliable and effective residential solar services. We provide homeowners in Phoenix, Peoria, Scottsdale, Glendale, Anthem, and other areas of Arizona with an added level of convenience and partnership to their investment in solar. Feel free to contact our support staff to learn more about what sets us apart from our competition.

Rate plans can be a crucial aspect when a local homeowner decides to update their respective property with solar because this can help determine the overal solar pricing of the endeavor; regardless of what APS, TEP, or SRP offers.

Residential Solar Installation Services with Power Camel

Contact POWERCAMEL for more information